Senin, 30 Januari 2012

what a beautifull moment with you dude :3

helloooh :’) 

udah lama pengen ngeshare ini tapi baru bisa hari ini J
hem, say thanks to allah. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah ...
im very happy. Hem finally,manajemen e could heng awt together. In the middle january hemm exactly in 17 january  to 19 january we went to cipanas. And stayed at villa cipendawa. 

What a nice villa **

Look there, this is my roomate xixi. Hem, this are place gamerr. 

Tempat paling pewe banget. Kalo malem penuh banget sama cowok2 player. #eh.. haha maksudnya tiap malem tempat ini tempat maen gamesnya anak-anak cowok manajemen e. Sambil nyanyi2 ga jelas yang diiringin sama si rawrr vigor dan si rocker dimas.

View of villa. Jadi kalo di liat dari atas keliatan deh pemandangan segernya. Xixi

Kitchen roomate, Villa yang kita tempatin ini superr lengkap banget. Jadi Kita ga kerepotan bawa peralatan masak karena semuanya udah disediain disitu. “say helllooooo to vigor rawrrr”

This is girls’s room. Veryy Comfortable room. In this room we ever heart to heart. Hhi Hey risaaa im sory to take your picturee haha

First day, hellooo holiday be nice <3

 Our first day, dicky udah siapin kita sate maranggi superrr delicious. Hhi

Hihi baru hari pertama sih tapi kita udah foto-foto dibelakang villa. nicely :)

Malemnya kita barbequaaan. Tim kipas ada dimas, wika, vigor, kebot ya dengan setianya kipas-kipas hahaha. You rock gaisss :*

Second day, welcome to pangrango :)

What a beautifull moment with manajemen e classmate. I love you all than you know dude!. Hihi. Hem the last picture is the rocker of manajemen e dimas satya. You are the truly rocker mas HAHA. your face so cute in there. And all of you, im very happy in there. I love this moment. we are manajemen e!! Hiking, waterfall and laughing. Thankyouuu sooo much manajemen e.
Malemnya kita slide shoooow dan kedatangan the master of manajemen e. And he is ... Sucayono hhi. And maman, he is ex. Manajemen e. But, we are still be part of us! XOXO im sory if my english so badly. Hhi but i must try it!

Third day, And then alhamdulillah finally ..

Before we are back to home, we are heart to heart at the living room of the villa. Hhi. And all of manajemen e story about their experience as long as be part of manajemen e. And say about all of the dream for the future. 
Hem tons of thanks for allah. Praise be to Allah for the friendship and a great time. Alhamdulillah :)

Thanks for your wasting time and great time. Im gonna miss you all. Remember that we ever knowing, ever laughing, sharing and falling. May allah will filled our life with hapiness, blessings and full of laughter. Veryy thankyoooouuuu classmate. Remember the day.. <3. Hem, maybe this never be replaced but this is unforgetable moment! you rock gaiss :3
We are manajemen E and nobody can beat US!! <3

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