Minggu, 13 November 2011

i ♥ sing a song

♥ salamifasolaaaaa siiii dooooo hihi

hello everebadeeeeh, how are you today? i hope you will be nice when you read my blog on november hihi :)
i want to tell you that i love and very love sing a song xoxo. because i feel so relax when i sing and i want to tell you about my PSM UIN Jakarta. the voice choirs who i love. september end, we are perform at SC ( aula Student Centre). and the middle of october we are perform at Erasmus Huis (Kedutaan Belanda) what a proud i can sing w/ PSM UIN Jakarta in there. xoxo

this is the picture when we sing at aula SC

  HAHA, this our first performance at Aula Student Centre

this is our performance at Erasmus Huis :D

 waaaw look at me guis! what a beautiful isnt it? haha. i feel so happy :D

 at Erasmus Huis, Kedutaan Belanda when us sing Djangkrik Genggong xixi.

I ♥ singing never ending and also love my PSM UIN Jekardaaaaah XOXO!

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